Child Support

Wade H. Everett divorce attorney approaches each case individually. Although most Georgia divorce cases address common issues, such as Georgia Child Support, each of Wade H. Everett’s clients has specific needs and goals and we design a strategy that considers all of their personal circumstances, needs and goals.

We always thoroughly explain the legal options and the likely consequences to the client so our clients can make an informed decisions about the best course of action for themselves.

Georgia Divorce Law – Child Support Can Deviate From The Guidelines

Child Support, under Georgia Divorce Law, is determined primarily by the use of a formula. However, there are circumstances whereby the amount of child support can deviate from this formula. The Divorce Law firm of Wade H. Everett can assist you in completing the child support worksheet and guide and represent you before the courts if there are circumstances where the guidelines are not appropriate. Child Support issues are one of the most prevalent reasons for seeking a Divorce Decree Modification. It is not unusual, if a divorce occurs when children are young, for numerous requests for modification are filed.

What are child support obligations?

In Georgia, both parties are required to support their children until a child reaches 18, graduates from high school not to exceed age 20, dies, marries, or joins the military, whichever event occurs first.

The non-custodial parent will be required to pay a reasonable amount of support to the custodial parent toward the child’s living expenses.  The system we use is called income shares.

Child support, may also include such items as health insurance and payment of medical and dental expenses.

Child Support worksheets establish an amount of child support as a pro rata share of gross income of both parents, based upon the number of children.

The court can deviate from the guidelines in allocating child support based on factors that can include the ages of the children, day care costs, education costs, amount of debt, and obligations to another household.